Sunday, December 27, 2015

Best practices for good Restful API design

Ironically, I am going to start this with a line that a good API design is not easy to achieve. People often don’t give it much of a thought before starting designing the APIs and a bit later in the lifecycle they realize that they have to write too much of a repeated code or it’s getting hard to maintain or cope with the consumer application’s needs.

It is very important that even before you write a single line of code for you API, you think through end to end what is the purpose of your API and who will be consuming it. Remember, unlike website, your API consumers will be developers only who are generally impatient and always prefer to integrate quickly and easily. So before crafting your API, you need to consider below aspects of your API carefully.

Data design & structure

SOAP or JSON? – Now-a-days at least this decision has been simplified as everyone is happy with consuming JSON.

Secondly, you need to understand what data you will be exposing with your API and accordingly design your API’s endpoints and methods. This is very important as this describes how the endpoints of your API will look like and if they logically doesn’t make sense, people will end up using wrong ones making mistakes.

And finally, who are the consumers of your API. Is it generic or business specific and accordingly you can decide further aspects of your API.


What HTTP verbs to use and where. Everyone sort of knows HTTP GET & POST but there are 5 other verbs available as well which you can use to enhance the experience of your API. Also, even for security perspective, it is important to use right verb for some actions. Let’s see what verb is made for what:-
  1. GET:  Get is equivalent to SELECT to fetch some information from the server.
  2. POST: Post is used to Create a resource on the server.
  3. PUT: Put is equivalent to Update when the whole resource is passed as a request.
  4. PATCH: Patch is again for update but only the information changed is sent as a request.
  5. DELETE: Delete is used to remove a resource from the server.
  6. HEAD: It returns metadata about the resource for example, when was the last time it was modified.
  7. OPTIONS: Returns what you can do with the resource for example, is it read only or read write etc.
Now, browsers tend to behave differently for all above verbs. For example, HTTP GET requests can be cached by the browsers. So make sure you are not using this verb for something which has to be unique like returning a unique GUID or next available counter etc.

POST are used for secure communications and hence browsers can warn you doing second time POSTs. HEAD & OPTIONS are not that used but HEAD is more like GET without a response body and can be cached by the browser.


APIs are purely for information sharing and hence need to be secured with top level of security whatever you can implement.  I have seen API security evolved since I wrote my first web service from transport level to Identity aware now-a-days.

Your API communication should always be on SSL/TLS to make sure network level security. Then you need to add some sort of security to your endpoints as well just to save it from DOS attacks and depending upon the type of data your service returns, you can include the identity verification logic to your endpoint i.e. person A querying the data can only query his/her own data.

Response Status codes

It is important that your API shouldn’t throw errors and break consumer’s code. The best way to do this is handle everything in your code and return HTTP status codes. Don’t invent your own codes but use the HTTP codes assigned for these purposes as browsers already know how to behave on those. See below some known HTTP status codes you can use:-
  1. 200 OK – Used commonly against GET requests where data/resource requested from the server has been found & returned.
  2. 201 CREATED – Used against POST/PUT/PATCH where the request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created
  3. 202 ACCEPTED - The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
  4. 204 No Content - The server successfully processed the request, but is not returning any content.
  5. 400 Bad Request - The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing)
  6. 401 Unauthorized – Authentication failed
  7. 404 Not Found - The requested resource could not be found on the server
  8. 500 Internal Server error - A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no more specific message is suitable.

Courtesy Wiki for above list. These are just few of the HTTP status codes I listed above, you can use any of them as per your requirements.


No matter how much thought you put in designing your API endpoints & behavior, they will change. APIs evolve and you will be required to change the contract to add new features. Remember API contract is sort of agreement between client and server and changing that will break client applications and that is the reason you need to version your endpoints.

Hence keep a good versioning strategy in place and instead of changing existing contracts, release a new version. This will keep the existing client applications running and give new client the functionality they want. Another benefit of doing this is you can mark the older methods as deprecated and promote usage of new version of your API.


This is not really a functional requirement but can be really handy in taking major decisions around your API. Always have some sort of analytics in place on your API endpoints and methods.


I know this is not a favorite topic of developers but one of the crucial factors for your API consumers. Remember, if you end up integrating with third party API in your application, what would be your first question. Is there any document available for this?

So keep in mind below things to include in your API documentations:-
  1. Endpoint/methods names and version available in the API.
  2. Sample request/response for methods
  3. Response status codes and what they mean in your API
  4. Error messages associated with your endpoint methods this can include both validation errors & business error messages
One more thing you can add to your API if you have time for this is a experimental console where developers can play with your API. It is not difficult if you use some out of the box tools for this. One I know of and is very good is Swagger.

This is the list I have and obviously you are not limited to this and can go any far in making your API self explainable.

The last thing I want to discuss is “Hypermedia API”. It’s been a while since these API are known but not really that popular yet but I definitely think this is the future of APIs.

Hypermedia APIs

Hypermedia APIs are designed to overcome the obvious limitation with any (REST or SOAP) APIs currently exists. In order to consume any API today, you need to know the URL of the endpoint before hand. Not only this, this URL is part of contract you share with client meaning changing the URL breaks the contract and the client application.

It is not a complicated concept to understand. Hypermedia is based on the concept of how users interact with any website on web browser. You navigate to the root url of the website, then you are presented with links to go further whatever you wish to do on the site and so on and so on until you reach to the page where you find what information you are looking for. Hypermedia APIs mimics the same behavior in API world.

In Hypermedia APIs, the URLs are not hardcoded but discovered at runtime. This may doesn’t sound like a revolutionary idea but it gives API developers the freedom of changing and enhancing the API without breaking client apps. This idea can be used for scaling your applications or transparently test your API without affecting anything else.

Consider a small example (taken from WIKI) below:-

GET request to fetch an Account resource, requesting details in an XML representation

Here is the response:

Note the response contains 4 possible follow-up links - to make a deposit, a withdrawal, a transfer or to close the account.

Sometime later the account information is retrieved again, but now the account is overdrawn:

Now only one link is available: to deposit more money. In its current state, the other links are not available. Hence the term Engine of Application State. What actions are possible vary as the state of the resource varies.

A client does not need to understand every media type and communication mechanism offered by the server. The ability to understand new media types can be acquired at run-time through "code-on-demand" provided to the client by the server.

You can also implement an intelligent security around your APIs using Hypermedia showing next actions only to authorized audience.

This is just a small example around what Hypermedia API can do. You can search lot more detailed architectural and functional benefits of Hypermedia API.

Hope you would have found this information helpful.

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